NFLCCA is launched to advocacy for latino businesses and communities

Chicago, IL., 2021.- A coalition of State Latino Chambers of Commerce from the largest Latino markets in the U.S. announced the formation of the National Federation of Latino Chambers of Commerce and Associations (NFLCCA), a national umbrella organization of Latino state and local chambers of commerce, and business associations.

The NFLCCA was formed to advance economic empowerment and inclusion of our Nation’s largest minority. By leveraging their broad base at the state and local level, the organization is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap. Approximately 80% of all Latinos living in the U.S. are American citizens, however media coverage of Latinos tends to focus on immigration. The reality for the overwhelming majority of Latinos in the U.S. is much different. Latinos are entrepreneurs, homeowners, professionals, and hardworking family oriented blue-collar workers. Latino business owners and workers reflect and embody American values and a can-do attitude that is often left out of the media’s narrative of our community.

The Latino Community is the largest economically disenfranchised minority community in the U.S. Latino small-business owners are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S. According to a recent study from Stanford University, over the past 10 years, the number of Latino business owners grew 34%, compared to 1% for all business owners in the United States.

NFLCCA is dedicated to advocating, increasing procurement and resource accessibility, and providing leadership development opportunities for state and local Latino businesses, organizations, and leaders. Our mission is to increase economic inclusion for Latinos in the public and private sector. The Latino Chamber Leaders unite to change the paradigm.

For questions, or comments contact Jaime di Paulo at or visit our website for more information.

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